H-Tech system is Live Video Surveillance by our operators, and we add video analytics in our system, the various sensors on the site become active. Any intrusion creates an alarm condition that instantly alerts our monitoring station where an operator watches the live video feed from the site. Our system can verify between cars, human beings, and environmental issues.
An integral part of Hawk is the reporting facility. Clients get notification of all serious events and appropriate action like notifying local authorities. You can then access the archived video from internet connection and see what happened and how Hawk has taken control of the situation.
The first requirement of this system is stable, reasonably low voltage power, and post or location to install all Wi-Fi secured cameras.
At Hawk Technologies, we pride ourselves on offering the total package to our clients without hidden expenses. We do not back the bill, upcharge & surprise invoice our clients based on incidents.
At Hawk Technologies, our primary focus is the satisfaction of our clients, and to achieve this, we offer quality client service and customize our security services to best suit your needs. We are the number one Live Video Surveillance site security company in British Columbia with advanced technology. Hawk Technologies is the only security services company that guarantees security personnel at your location when given less than 2 hours' notice.